Let’s do this

Before writing this, I took a look at what other writers wrote for their first blog post. What I learned is that there is no set template or expectation of what one should write with one exception. Just be yourself.

Okay. I’m a middle-aged guy who likes to write fiction that is best described as a hybrid of spy thrillers and urban fantasy. One might call it paranormal adventure. I like Ian Fleming and Anne Rice. I’m listening to Scott Walker at the moment, and I’m drinking Ethiopian Yirgacheffe out of a coffee mug that holds sentimental value. I have a career that I keep separate from this, and I’m married to a very lovely woman.

I ramble a lot about music, movies, and books. If that interests you, then you have come to the right place. For future reference, “The Evil Mr. G” is what I call Google. I’m not a fan. I use it at work, but I don’t even have it on my phone. Yes, I’m one of those. Cue Black Sabbath and read on. I’m glad you’re here!

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